27 OCTOBER - 17 NOVEMBER, 2018
Installation View, Room 2. Eulogies by Chad Attie

Please join us for an opening reception for Chad Attie's Eulogies series in conjunction with Launch Party for FULL BLEDE newspaper Issue Six Parapraxis, Saturday, 27 October, 6-9PM.
Drinks and valet parking services provided. Free Admission.
The Eulogies uses film and fixed imagery to celebrate the lives of 24 subjects, offering us a glimpse into their final hopes, losses, loves, and regrets. The series is comprised of 24 short films and prints that document specific moments in their lives. After we die, we live on, not as characters of fixed identity, but in the memories of those who loved us. Each memory creates associations that grow and shift and evolve -- living praise of our time on earth.
A broadsheet featuring contemporary writing and art, FULL BLEDE is independently published by Sacha Baumann. Each issue features collaborators expounding upon a theme and launches in conjunction with an opening or closing reception at a selected Los Angeles gallery.
FULL BLEDE Issue Six: The Parapraxis features 46 artists and writers exploring slips, mistakes, and subconscious signifiers.
The broadsheet’s publisher Sacha Baumann is an artist and art business professional living and working in downtown Los Angeles. She is an Masters of Art, Art Business Candidate at Sotheby’s Institute of Art, Claremont Graduate University.